The winter is coming, the weather is cold and cold. The snow is great, you see, the roof, the ground, branches are covered with white snow. When the snow covered the earth, small animals do not want to play out. Even the birds who love singing do not go out at home. The frog is smarter, it dug a deep hole and hibernate in it! But the kids can not be afraid of the winter. They think the winter can be fun! Can fight snowballs, you can snowman ... ... I also love the winter, I would like to draw a beautiful picture for it.
You see, a few small sparrows in the snow twitter jumping, not a moment, white silver bright snow, leaving a dense small claw printed son. Deep and shallow.
The pine trees on the distant mountains live in red silver, flashing the catastrophe of the sun, silver shiny, bright, charming drunk eyes.
What a lovely winter!
Winter like a clean little girl, covered with white, even the curtains are also changed from the golden white.
Winter wearing a white velvet hat, wearing a white sweater, feet wearing a pair of white boots, like a lovely white pompon in general. It used chubby little hands, commanders snow sister to fly to the earth, to clear the dirt there. Snowy sister listening to the winter command, dancing with a beautiful hexagonal body, falling on the earth. Soon, the earth will be a vast expanse of white, became the snow world.
Came to the campus, I was pleasantly surprised by the sight of the beautiful: pine and cypress covered with a layer of silver-white clothes, like a row of heroic gentleman in the post on duty, graceful. Rose flower wearing a white scarf, put on a white dress, like a tall queen.
Ah! Winter is so beautiful, so beautiful, so cute! I love the winter, but also love the group of lively and lovely snow sister.
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